A Man Worth a Million

Talia had nothing. Ever since she could remember people had taken advantage of her. And she was sick of her son missing out because of it. It wasn’t fair that Gavin suffered because of her own shortcomings…. How she was treated at work shouldn’t have affected her son’s life, but it did. And it just wasn’t good enough! She wasn’t going to let this happen to him. She was determined to dig them out of the hole they were in so she could give him the life he deserved, no matter what.
Luckily, through a chance encounter and the theft of her handbag, she meets Dale; a wealthy businessman with a sense of humour and an inclination for the illegal. With Dale’s help, and a little bit of blackmail, she is able to secure a job at Moore for More Investments and move her life into a more hopeful direction.
And when things start looking up, they keep looking up- And though she tries to resist it she finds her heart tugging her to Dale in a way that both terrifies and thrills her.
A Man Worth a Million is still being written, but you can read the first half of it below! :)
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Content Warnings:
Content that is explicitly shown in the text. Some topics are shown more often and more intensely than others, while others are only touched on lightly.
•Swearing / Foul Language
•Theft / Robbery / Mugging
•Drinking / Alcohol
•Medical Issues
•Sexual Content (Consensual)
•Sexual Harassment
•Police / Police Violence & Corruption
•Domestic abuse
Content that is talked about or implied to have happened either in the present or the past, but that is not explicitly shown on-page.
•Religious Abuse & Trauma
•Child Abuse
•Queerphobia / Transphobia